I made 300% return from using Robinhood and a random penny stock finding app on the playstore. I know, you’re probably thinking you rather shit in your own hands and clap than use Robinhood or Invest in penny stocks, But by following these simple steps, even a simpleton can increase their chances of being successful on the stock market.
Steps to follow
- Find a list of Penny stocks, you can use whatever platform you choose, but my personal favorite is PennySearch, because you can filter penny stocks by sector, top losers/ gainers, and view news.( https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.invescent.pennysearch)
- Risk management, to minimize loss filter penny stocks by top losers, a stock that is down 15% to 50% is in a much better position statistically to increase in value as opposed to a stock that’s up 50%. The risk in buying at these levels are low, unless you buy a steaming pile of dog shit.
- Grab a piece of paper, or inside a word document, write down 10 Penny stocks.
- Go on Google, and find out why these stock are trading at this levels does the news sound like B.S or is it legit, if any penny stock is down because of a reverse split, or bankruptcy then DO NOT BUY IT.
What to look for when buying a penny stock
- Catalyst, does this stock have potential catalyst that can increase it’s value such as FDA approval or potential partnerships?
- NASDAQ compliance, how long does the stock have to reach $1 until it’s delisted from NASDAQ.
- Debt to Cash ratio, most penny stocks are risky, but there are some gems that have more cash than debt.
- Operating Expense, analyze how well a company mitigates it’s risks throughout the year, and what the money is being used for.
- Revenue Growth, demonstrates a company’s growth in sales. It’s also a good indicator in determining how well a company is expanding.
- Insider Ownership, high insider ownership gives the company management incentive to maximize shareholder value.
Additional Resource:
Most information can be found online for free, but I use Invescent( https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.invescent.invescent&hl=en_US&gl=US) to analyze companies quickly as well as Finviz.
Do not listen to pumpers on social media sites, do through research, control your emotions, & be patient, you do not need to trade every day.